

I started this project with the intentions of finishing 1000 cranes by the next winter. It has been about 10 months since I started, which at this point it really feels more like a lifetime ago.

Today I have over 500. I am over now half way! YES!!!

In order to celebrate I decided to shoot this portrait, which is inspired by Magritte's "Son of Man." The idea came to me, when I received some great feedback about another Magritte inspired portrait I did, which can be found here on my other photo blog.

I also have a stockpile of unique cranes that for one reason or another, such as laziness, are left still undocumented. I will be releasing them in the coming weeks, so be on the lookout!

Note: Special thanks to my good friend Billy the Kim Strong Ill for assisting me out on this shoot!! Wouldn't have been possible without you homie.



I've heard back from all of the grad schools I applied to now. The score is:

Grad Schools 5 - Johnny 0

This was made from one of my rejection letters.


Current Count: 131

These are all of the cranes I have prepared for my sacrifice so far. Current count: 131.



Senzaburu is the Japanese tradition of folding 1000 origami cranes in exchange for a wish. Upon completion of the folding process the cranes are left outside and exposed to the whether. As the cranes begin to die so to speak the wish is then carried up to heaven. I have begun to make my 1000 cranes, and one things has become abundantly clear to me. For a single person to sit there and fold 1000 cranes by hand is a crazy amount of work. The process requires patience and resolve with the ultimate destruction of the object to top it all off. In short, someone must have a pretty big/important wish in order to be crazy enough to want to do this.

I have one wish, and it is for wisdom and strength. The wisdom and strength I will need in order to survive in our chaotic world.

I had originally started making these cranes with plane white printer paper, mostly because I figured that having 1000 of anything that's uniform would be beautiful to photograph. But I soon got really bored with the idea and have started making unique cranes. The result is what I call "Designer Origami." This blog will be a visual journal documenting my designs, and my thoughts on the process.