I started this project with the intentions of finishing 1000 cranes by the next winter. It has been about 10 months since I started, which at this point it really feels more like a lifetime ago.
Today I have over 500. I am over now half way! YES!!!
In order to celebrate I decided to shoot this portrait, which is inspired by Magritte's "Son of Man." The idea came to me, when I received some great feedback about another Magritte inspired portrait I did, which can be found here on my other photo blog.
I also have a stockpile of unique cranes that for one reason or another, such as laziness, are left still undocumented. I will be releasing them in the coming weeks, so be on the lookout!
Note: Special thanks to my good friend Billy the Kim Strong Ill for assisting me out on this shoot!! Wouldn't have been possible without you homie.